How can I Access My Super?

We specialise in the release of superannuation for various health related issues under the compassionate release of super program.

Release my Super is more than a company – we are a team committed to assisting you to understand the rules around the early release of superannuation, based around the “Compassionate Release of Super Program”.

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Release My Super helps you Access Super for life’s unexpected events.

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We specialise in the release of superannuation for drug and alcohol rehab, mental health treatment, and IVF under the Compassionate Release of Super Program.


    Can I Withdraw My Superannuation?

    Our aim is to remove the barriers involved in making an application to release superannuation under the compassionate release of super program.

    Rules exist for the early release of super and Release My Super works within this framework to ensure that the program is operated fairly and without abuse.

    Our goal is to ensure you have an understanding of how the program works and whether you might access your super for the purposes approved by the ATO and your superannuation funds.

    Release My Super is an accredited tax agent and our team will always assist in providing you with relevant and current information on your eligibility to release superannuation savings under the compassionate release of super program.

    How Do I  Access  My Super?

    Release My Super helps you access monies held in super to pay for life’s unexpected events. We understand that your situation may be stressful and we aim to assist by working on your behalf with your superannuation fund, medical specialists and the Australian Taxation Office.

    The financial burden of major life health events can be overwhelming, whether it is caused by addiction, mental health or infertility and the money you require may be available to you through the early release of superannuation.

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