Release My Super Blogs

Compassionate release of super for IVF

Call Release My Super if you need a psychiatric assessment for IVF, usually within 24 to 48 hours. 

Release of Super for IVF

Accessing IVF treatment under the compassionate release of super program is allowed through the Australian Tax Office, and it is sometimes the only option available to pay for IVF treatment.

RMS can usually get clients booked in to see a psychiatrist within 24 to 48 hours.

How can I access super to pay for IVF?

Applications are submitted to the ATO and must be accompanied by a specialist report and a report from your GP.

Changes to the ATO regulations stipulate that all applications under mental health must be signed off by a psychiatrist.  Without a psychiatric assessment, the application will not be approved by the Australian Taxation Office.

How do I find a psychiatrist?

RMS can usually get clients booked in to see a psychiatrist within 24 to 48 hours.

Normally, we approach our GP and ask for a referral but waiting periods can be extremely long for access to a psychiatrist.

If an applicant is applying for the release of super to pay for IVF under mental health the psychiatrist must assess and diagnose the client to ensure the connection between mental health and having IVF treatment is valid.

It is frustrating facing delays, especially if you are subject to time constraints around your cycles.

Many psychiatrists are overbooked and will not accept new patients. The waiting time to get an appointment with a psychiatrist can be weeks or months.

Release My Super can help

Release My super specialises in mental health, therefore, every application we submit to the ATO requires a psychiatric assessment as part of the process and application.

RMS can usually get clients booked in to see a psychiatrist within 24 to 48 hours.  The assessment is facilitated using Video Conferencing and ensures the paperwork for the application is completed and submitted to the ATO without delay.

We take the stress out of the paperwork and allow the clients to concentrate on what they need to concentrate on.

Needing help to pay for IVF is common

Most of us know someone who has had IVF or is going through treatment and the process can feel invasive and it is expensive.

RMS can usually get clients booked in to see a psychiatrist within 24 to 48 hours.

Chat to us at Release My Super

If you need more information call Kathie Baker 1300 941 037 or 0475 471 872 for a confidential chat.

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