Release My Super Blogs

Written by Kathie Baker – Release My Super.

What is happening to me? My world has become so small and the noise so much louder!

Three kids at home, bored and missing their own independence. Are you Working from home and trying to make everything as quiet as possible when you speak with clients?  Is the dog barking in the background and the kids knocking on the office door wanting, wanting wanting? Do you feel out of control in this new world?

Coping with Covid

If you feel this way, you are not alone. Regardless of whether you have kids or dogs or work from home, Covid has changed our lives.

Feeling overwhelmed?

I work from home and with the kids already independent, I don’t have to struggle with the issues parents face today. However, my kids grew up in an age when there were limited options for childcare. Once they hit school, then we were faced with before and afterschool care. There was none.  It was stressful having to rely on family and friends to pick the kids up and hold onto them until mum and dad were available.

This new world of “co-educating” kids during the lockdowns is enormous.


Over the day the stress can build and like a pressure pot, there is only so much we can tolerate before the pot explodes or implodes.

Alcohol / Drugs

Alcohol takes the edge off and in moderation is acceptable. However, when we begin to look to alcohol to “self-medicate” or to drugs to cope then we need to be careful.

Boys and Girls cope in their own ways

We have different ways of coping as males and females. Females (I have been told) tend to overshare and guys seem to close up.

Stress Vs Patience

We are all different and what bothers one may seem like nothing to someone else. Learning how to release that valve on the pressure cooker we spoke of earlier holds the key to keeping things “together”.

Many of us find it difficult not to be “in control”.  Covid has taken away power for many and the uncertainty around job security our own inability to steer our boat and make decisions freely and without prejudice and fear has sent our stress levels up a few notches. Is patience something we can master?

Living in our head

Meditation or mindfulness or any sort of practice that involves the process of “listening” takes practice. Our thoughts feed our stress levels and if we can take back the power of thought then we can open a new world of consciousness. You do require patience and of course practice.

Most mental health and addiction clinics teach meditation as part of their program.   Most of us know, recognise, or acknowledge the mind has much power, yet we often neglect this resource and allow it to roam “untamed” through endless scenarios and rewinds of an event that may or may not be relevant to the present.

Meditation and other ways that allow us to practise patience

Patience leads to calmness and clarity. Things will and do go wrong but knowing how to be patient equips us.

Patience is related to time and there is enough time if we rethink our relationship with and to time.

  • Art therapy
  • Fishing
  • Meditation
  • Games that involve patience, such as chess
  • Gardening

Don’t say it

How many arguments could have been avoided if those words were not spoken?  Improve your patience by listening to your partner, the kids and even the dog. Hold that moment before you speak as words cannot be unheard.

More on how to get help – mental health

Set an intention

At the beginning of each day set your intention to patience.  Everything passes with time and even the worst day of your life will pass. Patience is being with what is happening and more importantly being ok with what is happening.

If you wish to explore the world of meditation, there are resources online with one of my favourite mentors being Tara Brach.

Storm Jameson – 

There is only one world, the world pressing against you at this minute. There is only one minute in which you are alive, this minute here and now. The only way to live is by accepting each minute as an unrepeatable miracle.

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